Response to Media Hot and Cold

It was very interesting to read this article as someone from 2020. The media that McLuhan talks about, in some instances, is seen in a completely different context today than it was when he was writing. For example, a telephone back in his day was considered a cool medium due to its low resolution. However, nowadays, a cellphone may be considered a hot medium because of how high definition it is. The phrase "filled with data" that was associated with McLuhan's definition of a hot medium could very well be talking about a cellphone.
Not only has technology very much been advanced from McLuhan's time, but many values and ideals that were talked about in this article are now very much looked down on. For example, when I read about his idea of a "backward countries", I had to remind myself what time period this was written in. Referring to other countries as primitive is inherently racist and hard for me to read.


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