Response to Thomas Beard

I enjoyed reading this article, due to my previous experience with Shana Moulton's work, her Whispering Pines series always catching my eye for that uniquely artificial she constructs in each short. To see it broken down and analyzed did increase my respect for the works. I've always struggled to draw a proper parallel to what exactly captivates me about these shorts, but I think Beard nailed it by comparing it to the works of David Lynch, which is an excellent comparison. Both of those respective worlds are absolutely drenched in their own heavy aesthetic decisions, and I suppose in a way I could truly see those two projects operating in the same world with one another. Cynthia's ongoing story is one of the first key pieces of video art that really gripped me as an artist, the usage of that subtly sinister vibrant world works in toeing a thin line between what counts as video and film for me.


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