Kino Eye Response

I really thought about Vertov's writing in political context of the time- many of his films seem to be earlier Soviet works. They were released in conjunction of a time with the Avant Garde movement of the early Soviet Union-the well known Ukrainian artist movement including Malevich and others. These people had quite a lot of political sway in the government, as they were creating a new vision of society, at its forefront abstract form. IT seems that Vertov was doing the same thing, with his "Kino Eye" idea. At a time when political control was bending the media, art, and everyday perception of society, Vertov utilized the camera in the same regard. I read a little bit about his Kino Pravda series, and how it utilized "street scenes" of common institutions like cafeterias, schools. and public places to have subtle propaganda, and the 'truth' of everyday life. Vertov's eye is the cinematic extension of a manipulated perception, an idea many in power utilized for decades in the Soviet Union. Vertov understood the power of the camera to create a new reality "I am Kino Eye I am builder...." This writing in parts seems like a plea for that extension, which makes me wonder when it was published...perhaps it is when Stalin came into power and started haltering these artistic movements? It seems like he's really trying to persuade us why the camera can create a new future, and new realities within this future.


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